Media Storage
Time Period:
6 months
Client’s monthly financials were done on time, but lacked penetration to show what drivers were responsible for the results. They could not identify revenues/costs breakdowns to know profitability drivers: on location and customer profitability, revenue per employee, revenue per cubic foot of space rented etc.
Interviews were conducted with Marketing, Operations and senior management to determine metrics needed to understand the business. Leading and lagging indicators were identified – quantitative and $$ values. Management accounting techniques were introduced to improve the information being produced currently. Metrics from Management accounting and Financial accounting were combined, to appear seamless to management.
Management decision making was enriched. Resource allocation improved. Business results improved when, over a period of 3 months – revenues increased 5% and profits by 12% due to the decisions based on the new management accounting information. A more in-depth monitoring ability was put in place permanently, that satisfied senior management’s need to manage the business.